Space between my fingers is fit perfectly with your finger

Monday, 24 November 2014

Problem anyone?

Are you stress working so hard? many problem? love problem? or something else? we all do. I also have problem, work problem, love problem, family problem, and other problem. but sometime i can just forget the problem that i had... just like that. Not using some kind of drug or alcohol, but using my brain. of courses using the drug also give effect to your brain, but it also give your very negative side effect to your body and also mind. sometime, the problem is not that big, but why so much stress? It all about how do you take control of your brain. we can change the stat of our body if know how to control our brain. the control that in talking about is not about regularly brain use , but the maximum capability of the brain, such as change your fatigue to enthusiastic, sleepy to refreshing.
mad to happy, and even pain can be eliminated. that what i call the true Brain power. how to gain it? we will talk again about this soon- sorry Bad English. 

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